Tag Archives: Colonel Sanders

You don’t need a New Moon and an Eclipse to change



Today on Social Media I saw an article about there being a New Moon and partial eclipse on the 13th of September 2015 and what times it was going to happen around the world. The article read of how this was going to instigate a huge change in the world and I did set an alarm in my phone to ensure I woke up to see it. But not because I was hoping for it to instigate a change in my life but just because I would like to witness something if possible because I know we can change any moment we choose as many times as we choose.

I won’t take credit for having this feeling because it has only come in to my understanding from the many books I have read and audio’s and videos I have watched and listened to but prior to that change used to terrify me and now I embrace it as one of the certainties in life.




If you story doesn’t work for you Divorce it

Said during a Oprah Masterclass with Tony Robbins

I always hold Louise Hay and Colonel Sanders stories in the forefront of my mind so when I saw this photo above, the other day on social media I instantly saved it.

I have read numerous times that Colonel Sanders idea of his Southern Fried Chicken was rejected over a thousand times before he was accepted (and I am sure that he would have kept going another thousand if his idea wasn’t picked up then) but it stuck with me on the first read and only helped to reaffirm to me on every other read ‘Don’t ever give up’ on your dreams, goals etc.

A few other successful people who we probably just see as successful and not realise that it wasn’t that easy are Walt Disney, turned down 302 times before receiving financing. J K Rowling a single mum turned down by 12 publishing houses and the other day during a Training session when asked what year did ‘Gone with the Wind’ win its Oscar my colleagues looked surprised when I instantly walked to the correct year without hesitation and before anyone in the room even moved because I knew from all the material I keep reading it was dismissed by 38 publishers before taken up.

So if you think you are stuck or you life sucks or you haven’t achieved something you wanted to achieve or you are to old think of Louise or the Colonel. Don’t wait for an Eclipse. Do it now. Do it in your next breath and if you don’t like your story – Divorce it because as Esther/Abraham Hicks says –

 “You can never get it wrong and you can never get it done”

And I dare you to listen to Sam below and not get Goosebumps 🙂



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You’re not in Kansas any more Dorothy


40’s are the new 20’s so it seems but Yuk no disrespect to 20 somethings, I don’t want to be there again.

So what’s my point?

The other day watching 40 something actresses and models on TV looking stunning I remembered how not so long ago being 30 meant you were over the hill and would struggle to get work.

How fantastic that seems less and less evident and women are rocking it in there 40’s, 50’s, 60’s 70’s … well you get the picture.

So what’s my point?

This week I had a shake up and a wake up that I knew I had to face and take responsibility for but ouch it still hurt.

Over the last few years I have read stuff that I have accepted, that we have to take responsibility for our actions and that we are the creators of our ‘Physical Reality’. Yep I got that and I actually feel comfortable with having to take responsibility for my life. That way I don’t feel powerless and I can feel in control and have the ‘Power’ to change things however after saying all this I still got a mental slap in the face.

Each day I try to read or listen to inspiring information. I aim to do daily practices that I feel will help me grow and improve my lifestyle and I try to monitor my thoughts and find a better feeling place and react differently when faced with something uncomfortable, unpleasant so in my head I am doing good. I am much happier and more relaxed most of the time compared to what I used to be like so I am making progress .. right?

The slap in the face came when I read “Look around you NOW to see the propensity of your thoughts. If you don’t like what you see, you brought this on yourself”. For me that was an ouch because as I looked around my current situation there were some definite areas that were painful. It was a wake up call that I must not be focusing my thoughts in the right area.

As I said previously it was a wake up but it was also the shake up I needed. I can see now I was living in a sort of dream world where I was floating along thinking “Yeah I’m doing better than the me of 10 years ago, 4 years ago” and only recently I patted myself on the back that while my physical environment appeared no different how I reacted to it was different from even a year ago.

But that’s it. Nothing’s changed externally. I’ve just changed in how I react to it. Something is wrong somewhere. I’m missing in something that I am doing or what I am seeing would be different.

What I can see now is that in my dream state I was just waiting for my theoretical Prince to come. I just thought one day, bingo the Universal Energy, Quantum Field or whatever you choose to call it would pop up a series of events (because it has done so many times before) and all would be OK with my world because I have read so many examples of who and where it has happened in the past like my hero’s Henry Ford, Thomas Edison etc. It didn’t happen over night for them so I was thinking “Ahh this might not be as great as I would like it right now but it will work out OK in the end”

What I can see now is (thanks slap in the face). I was just coasting. What I want to do now is be a Deliberate Creator.

Each morning and evening (depending how tired I am) I try to say thank you’s for the things I am grateful for. Since my shake up and a wake up I realise I  have only been grateful for the things I can physically see NOW.

I think nothing has changed in my physical environment but everything is always changing, it’s the Law of the Universe but from the focus of my thoughts I am just changing it in to the same old same old.

I read the other day that the mind doesn’t know if you are actually doing something or you are imagining that reality and attention goes to where you are focusing your thought regardless if it is in the past, present, future or imagination.

Now as I wake or go to sleep or any other possible moment I can find I will be grateful for and focus my attention on those things I desire to see in my physical environment like they are already here.

And along with the examples of the ladies who are Rocking it 50 and above I am just getting started.

Examples of people finding ‘Success’ later in life:

Julia Child (I love the film Julie and Julia) Didn’t start cooking until in her 40’s.

Colonel Sanders was retired and rejected 1009 times

Authors Elizabeth Jolley  and Mary Wesley were 56 and 71 when their first novels were was published.

Alfred Hitchcock directed his most legendary films when people felt he was ‘Over the Hill’

Probably my number one inspiration Louise Hay started her publishing house at 60

Harry Bernstein achieved notoriety at age 96 for the memoirs “The Invisible Wall: A Love Story That Broke Barriers.”


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