Tag Archives: Maya Angelou

Not a Jot



As I drove in to work Bohemian Rhapsody was on the car radio and it was getting to that crucial point. You know the bit from Wayne’s World that if you par take makes you see stars. My stop light had just turned green and I was due to turn the corner where I would pass all the people now sat at a stop light.

Do I? Don’t I? Do I? Don’t?

Oh to hell with it of course I do.

On the way home on a Friday they always play Mahna Mahna by the Muppets to cheer people up if they are stuck in traffic. Of course I had to do my best muppet impression.

Earlier in the day I received a message from a colleague and I was feeling a bit cheeky and playful but they caught me at my own game and I mentioned as soon as I sent my message they were going to out play me and they replied that’s just the way I am.

I love it when people are full of self acceptance instead of self loathing.

Ok I weigh more than I’d like but I can change that and I love my age now or is it my age that makes me so chilled where all the stuff I used to stress over and hate about my self no longer effects me the same.


Me feeling the best and happiest I can be is what matters and keeping my glass full, not just half full but full to brimming over.

Did I car what the other commuters  thought of me as I head banged my way to work?

Not a Jot


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Flat Liner

Decided to read an article about Paul Potts in a magazine . They asked him who his inspiration is and he said Maya Angelou. There was a picture of her in an inset, she appeared familiar but I wasn’t aware of her or her work.

Shortly after I was scrolling through Facebook and saw this

photo (14)

I have never seen a post by her before, I just read an article where she was mentioned and minutes later the above appears.

This week has been a flat liner in the form of motivation and inspiration. I have been strong in the face of adversity and faithful to my beliefs when mocked but it’s been pretty uneventful. Maybe I Am crazy but I felt this coincidence was a message from the Universe saying “I know not much is happening but

remember, I Am always here even when you think I’ve forgotten you”

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Posted by on November 11, 2013 in Uncategorized


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