27 Jan
Everything will work again if we unplug it, including us

It’s a journey, not a destination and even when you try to trick yourself to think You have reached a destination it may only be the beginning of another journey

What I love about Gabrielle Bernstein the most is something she said in one of her books Super Attractor that has stuck with me and has been especially relevant recently

Someone said to her they felt like a fraud in their profession  because they still had a lot of fear and working out lots of personal stuff. How can they help others when they still have hard times and The Gorgeous Gabby replied that they were working on their 7th book and still a head-case (her words)and admitted to a Live audience they had been out of alignment a few months and while they may have their face on books and a mic in their hand they still need constant spiritual support

I loved her honesty and authenticity and when I need spiritual support I make a Beeline for Gabby’s books Super Attractor and The Universe Has Your Back on audiobook and listen on repeat and implement many of her tools

I learnt from Gabby that things that show up that are less than favourable are universal assignments and they will keep coming up until we deal with them

I learnt something similar when I took my Ho’OPonoPono certification before Christmas and I know the most productive times in my life have been when I surrender

I made a decision I wanted to clean and clear some stuff so I wasn’t suppressing these assignments and stay on the Universal Merry Go Round of same ol same ol

What I hadn’t anticipated was the amount of Sxxt that came up when I started to work on cleaning myself and I suddenly boom 🤯 I’m in the similar situation as the Lady above

Instead waking up happy and using my gained knowledge to support others I needed it on myself big time

I actually advocate Social Media Omnipresence for building an online presence and business as do most of the people I follow and respect and they also say consistency is key

Just put your game face on every day and Go, go, go !! Something about this doesn’t resonate with me

I feel authenticity is important and I actually have on my whiteboard “Only market in alignment” and at times my conscious (intellect) was saying post,post,post but if I tried I physically couldn’t and this felt congruent to me NOT to post. It felt aligned with Zero (Super-consciousness)

This morning I was listening to Joe Vitale’s Attractor Factor on my commute and Joe said something as if to validate this point (there are no accidents in the Universe)

When we write an email, a marketing piece, book etc we put our energy into it good and bad and people can FEEL  it and we attract or repel customers and clients so I saw this as we could post as much as we want as many times a day in as many places as possible but if there is some negative underlying probably subconscious energy going on as we produce the materials, whatever shape or form it is in we are literally wasting our time taking that Action, Action

While listening to Gabby’s Super Attractor the other day I had a lightbulb

I have been Manic Manfesting and I didn’t even see it

(Manic Manifesting is doing something out of desperation or panic instead of alignment)

Like Gabby says fully in her book and I mention briefly above. We may know all the tools and what to do and even seen fabulous results in deliberate creation and  people may see us or come to us as the Guru and we can still get out of alignment

Usually when we least expect it and not even recognise we are doing it
There is no out there. Out there is just a reflection of what’s in us and everything we need is in us. We are own Guru’s and the answers are in us … if we only take the time to unplug and tune in but this action, action, action content, content, content consistency is king paradym doesn’t allow much time for unplugging

Recently I asked The Universe a question about long term personal finances and what inherited blocks I had over money subconsciously to clean and I felt intuitively to carry on with my day and I could FEEL the answer would come

The Universe is speaking to us 24/7 but the trouble is we ask and then get to busy to listen (no unplugging)

But this time I felt assured

I had been listening to Mabel Katz’s incredible book “The Easiest Way” repeatedly since waking up in an unexpected bout of Fear and Overwhelm on New Years day

I woke unusually to the prospect of a New Year hot and full of panic
I say unusually …..

It used to be the norm as I dreaded the prospect of a New Year because I hated my life so much until I changed my life by implementing one small change so this feeling felt abnormal to me and one I had forgotten I’d even experienced previously

I write and talk about that one small, easy to apply change often but if you haven’t guessed it or come across me speaking about it feel free to ask

I actually FEEL that this old feeling was being dredged up because I had been Cleaning and Clearing old limiting beliefs using Ho’oponopono and set an intention to deal with some old Universal Assignments once and for all

Christie Marie Sheldon calls these “Love Gifts”

Christie says when you want to change and clear out some old junk (beliefs) The Universe brings to the surface the things up you need to clear out as a gift to say here you are this is what you need to clean
Incidentally I had been using a lot of Christie Abundance block sessions via Mindvalley as well so it should not have been such a shock

But here I was in fear and overwhelm with the inability so it seemed to “NOT” let it get the better of me and I know more than anyone because I tell people enough about it that when we get in fight or flight all the problem solving hormones we need to find the answers to a problem shoot down to our legs and heart so we can run faster away from our supposed enemy (tiger) and we lose the ability to think rationally so we need a calming tool like breathing

In that new Year’s cold light of day “ahhhhhhh” moment I did manage to catch a few slow breaths and asked the question “What shall I do?” and instantaneously a voice in my head said “Listen to Mabel’s book The Easiest Way and I grabbed an earbud from my bedside cabinet and started there and then and I carried on throughout the day with one earbud in while I went about my business

Every night several things come to bed with me …

A long cold drink … or maybe 2, my Umi bluetooth earbuds, my ipad for reading books and my iphone for my alarm and listening to guided meditations etc and if there is an emergency with my elderly Father or kids etc.

I know some people say you should leave your phone away from Your bed but like old limiting beliefs, unlike what some media articles may lead you to believe, you can Train you brain in new ways and not to jump into social media ASAP in the Am and it’s essential it is close by as I mentioned for personal reasons

It is second nature now NOT to look at social media or emails or alike until later in the day until I have carried out my morning routine despite having it close by because setting my mindset is my main priority especially when it’s getting tripped up

But I digress. So there I am still listening to Mabel, day in day out and I ask the financial question and go about my business, still listening in one ear and then ….

Mabel tells a parable about 3 old men sitting outside a ladies house and she thinks they may be hungry and invites them in. They ask if the gentleman of the house is in and she says no. They say then they can’t come in without him there. Later when her husband comes home and she tells him what happened he says invite them in and they tell her they are “Wealth”, “Success” and “Love” and only one can come in. She needs to ask her husband which one can come into the house?

When she tells her husband he says invite “Success” and she says no let’s invite “Wealth” but her daughter who was listening says no invite “Love” and they decide to listen to their daughter and the woman of the house asks which one is Love as they would like to invite Love into the house
One of the Gentleman says I Am Love and stands and starts to walk in to the House and to the ladies surprise the other two get up and start to follow him and she says “you said only one of you could come in” and Love says “If you invited Success or Wealth into your house only one of us could come in but when you invite in Love, Wealth and Success cannot help but follow”

Mabel added “When we do everything for money everything feels difficult. It comes and goes quickly and escapes from our hands. We have to do what we love”

I was doing other things at the time and only half listening. Mabel’s audiobook is only about 90 minutes long and I have heard this parable several times but this time something made me go “Hold, Up”

I stopped what I was doing and relistened and I felt a sensation in my gut so I stopped to tune into my body to see what it was trying to tell me
I advocate that now is no better time in History to take what you love and monetise it online and the key is in what you are Passionate about and I still advocate that and in 2021 I was working on many things I am passionate about and felt most aligned to but with my ventures in to Ho’oponopono and my learnings about the three states or Super-Conscious ~ Conscious and Subconscious and setting goals usually comes from the subconscious and old memories and fear based programming running our thinking and the best way was to come from Superconscious and follow Inspired Action.

All that felt completely aligned to me like when I heard “Everything is Energy” and “Successful people have multiple streams of income” both true  but now I felt actually more misaligned not having the old underlying fear based patterns driving my goals or any goals at all however I had seen more than enough evidence as the now recently deceased Dr Hew Len said that when you surrender you allow the Universe to give you something more incredible than you could ever believe with your limited imagination and I wanted to surrender my goals to limitless potential

What’s my point to all this ?

When I tuned into my body the penny dropped

There was my answer to my financial questions

I thought I was doing what I was doing out of love and it certainly felt blissful when I was creating it and I was definitely Passionate about it but really underneath what was driving it was not love …

It was the old subconscious fear based limiting belief about money running the show

I certainly was doing what I loved and loving what I do but underneath I was thinking if I have this many clients or sell this much product I will make x£y$z but mentally skimming over these thoughts and definitely not acknowledging their true motives

I had a vision of what I thought I wanted to achieve and saw this as just the next step in my Transformation but in truth I was trying to run away from something I no longer wanted and outgrown and to achieve the thing I wanted to achieve I required “In my eyes” a certain about of passive and recurring income for its fulfilment

The Universe knows when you are trying to run away from something and that energy is not a productive energy. It’s usually desperate and scared and motivated by lack and when you have a motivation of lack you are focused on lack (even if you are not aware of it) and when you are focusing on the lack of something you create more lack of something because your attention is the absence of the thing you desire even though you believe you are focusing on something else like a new car, relationship, career or money

You can use Your intellect (Consciousness) all you want to tell Yourself You are thinking one thing but the Universe knows what you are truly FEELING subconsciously

I FEEL there is more to it running my show. I know I grew up surrounded by a lot of poor money mindset and there is also a lot of ancestral poverty consciousness in my history and I still hear poverty mindset speech all the time so there is a lot of old data as Dr Hew len calls it in my subconscious programming still running, I am sure on repeat and I know “Cleaning” as he also calls it will be a lifelong process but that’s no biggy now I know the Tools

Thankfully  using the tools I have been most aligned to I feel things are finally going in the right direction and I also see and FEEL this is because I am entering a new chapter on my Journey and those Transformations are in alignment with some of my intentions I thought about a few months ago

Now I appreciate what looks like a duck and quacks like a duck is not necessarily a duck but a Phoenix in disguise

I set an intention and a whole lot of Synchronistic events occurred which told me it was in alignment with my Higher Purpose and then when some things didn’t manifest in “My” Desired timeline I decided to Trust and Surrender in Divine Timing because when I do it shows up better that I can ever create on my own however because things got a bit scary and yucky I lost my ability to see “This is it. This is the manifestation (Transformation) in process”

As if a thumbs up from the Universe I heard this, this morning by Bob Proctor

“Everything that happens in Your Life is Moving You towards Your Goal”

That word “Everything” really resonated with me and I felt a shift in my being “Everything” is moving us towards our goals even if they look like Sxxt covered in glitter is our greatest gift

Yesterday I FELT I know what ever has been happening and is still happening. When I look back on this I will be so grateful to this period in my life for the lessons and Transformation and twice in that same day I heard personal stories of people who were at Their lowest points and didn’t want to be here, now see those periods as Their greatest gifts.
If you know someone who may need to read this post or learn about those publications that help me personally please feel free to share this with them …

And following my own Inspired Action I am launching a new book about being bullied and using The Law of Attraction and Ho’oponopono to overcome being bullied and when I tuned in to my intuition to set the launch date the 14th of February kept coming up and initially I disputed it and when I checked in again and the same date came up I smiled …
Of course the international day of Love 💕

I have made it my mission now. Whatever I do, do with love or don’t do it at all

I have unplugged myself, rebooted and cleared out some old software and downloaded a new exciting version. Version 2022.0 😍

Remember If you know someone who may benefit from an unplug or maybe any of these book titles I have mentioned above please feel free to share this with them and my New book The Law of Attraction and Beyond with Ho’oponopono to Beat The Bullies is available now on pre-order. Just tap the title to take a look

Whatever You are doing Have a Fabulously Attractive Day and if it’s not going how you would like remember to take a breath and unplug and say it is all happening for me xoxo


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