Freaky Friday

26 Oct

Marvellous Monday, Tremendous Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday, Phenomenal Thursday (OK I know it doesn’t start with a T but it rhymes) Freaky Friday and so it continues Sensational Saturday

The other day sat at a Red stop light (where Wayne Dyer says you can meditate and I’ve been trying) I gave myself a mental pat on the back for the fact that changing my thoughts and therefore my beliefs is becoming a daily practice something I realized when I first read The Secret was where I was going wrong. The type of mental work I am doing it not consistent as in, it’s not a religious daily practice of certain behaviours but there is daily practice of something. Usually last thing at night and first thing in the morning before rising, spattered with what ever randomness that is going on in my head during the day.

Over recent weeks seeing ourselves as physical tuning forks vibrating at a certain frequency depending on our thoughts and therefore hitting likewise vibrating circumstances that we draw to ourselves via those thoughts has been resonating with me (boom boom !!) I even made a picture of tuning forks as my laptop wallpaper to remind me to keep my thoughts good.

“As a man thinketh, in his heart so is he”

                                                                                                            by James Allen


Last week I blogged that I had allowed myself to fall into an overwhelming negative situation at work and how brilliant it felt to say “stop” and take action. Now it has come into my awareness I have taken responsibility for it. I have taken responsibility that I needed to change my thoughts for a more desirable set of circumstances and respect myself so I have been affirming in my head that “I Am a worthy person and deserve respect”. I have also been drawn to revisit old material I had read in the early days of discovery The Law of Attraction/Quantum Field. This week it was “Ask and it is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks. I Am only a few days in but something else that resonated with me was that we were/are meant to live joyous lives so I have also affirming “I Am living Joy” as frequently as I can remember and when faced with a situation or person that makes my belly role (Fear, Anxiety and Doubt your fired remember) I reaffirm it.

Well !!! ………………………………………………………………………….

A member of staff who thought last week could use me as his bitching board sent me a very nice unexpected email offering support to arrange some training I Am putting into place. (Good feeling inside).

For some random reason thought about a boy I recently Inducted who I had to let go because the job was not for him and I hoped he was alright and the next day he was in the bank and he went out of his way to say hello and gave me a beautiful smile so I Am guessing he’s OK and doing well. (Good Feeling).

Stunning morning driving to work but windscreen/shield unexpectedly misted up and I drove badly as I manically tried to see and find the demister button at the same time to be faced with my neighbour who I nearly drove into. Feeling bad I hoped I’d have the opportunity to apologize for poor driving skills and later coming home popped in local shop to pick up some milk and the neighbours were going in also. apology made (Felt better).

Unexpectedly a colleague I normally get on with came into the office and spoke to me in a disrespectful way and instantly and effortlessly words fell out of my mouth that weren’t in an aggressive manner but letting them know in any uncertain terms .. you don’t speak to me like that. The situation could have been one of those that turn me into the subdividing cell again but I knew I’d had done everything correctly and I will not be pulled away from my task in hand because of a failure of communication on other peoples parts. My instincts told me to approach the over seeing manager for advise instead of acting irrationally. Now this person, shall I say has not a favourable reputation with other members of staff but labels aside my gut said discuss it with them and I did. This person said leave it with them and a short time later the disrespectful colleague came back and said “apparently I have upset you, I haven’t upset you have I?” and I replied honestly “Yes actually you did” They explained the stress they were under and the lack of communication they had experienced but I pointed out that none of that was my fault and that I appreciated the situation they were in but that didn’t give them the right to take it out on me. I emailed the Manager and thanked them for their help in this matter (It felt good).

In my personal relationship my opinion has felt undervalued by comments my partner has been making and last night a conversation ensued whereby I was able to point out in a non hostile situation these recent comments, that when harboured had made me feel bad and resentful and when expressed as not acceptable – felt good.

The strange thing is the way I conducted myself in these above situations when the circumstances came about happened in a subconscious way that appeared to fall out of me as if directed by the non-physical part of me, that I know inherently was simply by making the decision to change my thoughts, setting some personal boundaries and saying a few affirmations in my head. It indicates to me the immense personal power we truly do have at our fingertips and to Freakishly confirm this another set of circumstances literally made me go “Whoa !! wait a minute”:

I Am a complete book whore, I admit it and have admitted it before. I jump from one text to another all week long and another thing that has resonated with me along with ‘Ask and it is Given/ Ask, believe, Receive’ and tuning forks is the quote from the bible “I Am that I Am and that some conformist religions of which I Am not a fan as I have previously blogged I cannot feel comfortable with a belief in a God that judges and segregates and yesterday (Friday) I had a meeting with a colleague over a couple issues that had come up during the week to discuss there completion. When I first went to work at this company seeing this persons name on the Company Structure did make my stomach role slightly as they were the only name I recognized and they did have a bit of a hard man reputation but as it turns out, perfect example of not putting ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’ labels on things we probably have the closest working relationship, has been the most supportive and have has some freaky conversations over my period with the company (one that instigated me to buy them a copy of Anita Moorjani’s book – ‘Dying to be Me’). The meeting went off on a bit of a tangent about different cultural and belief systems within the various nationalities within our company and his own wife’s religious beliefs and again misinterpretation of scriptures. So I said funny you should say that, I’ve been reading about that recently and the phase “I Am that I Am “ and that it is actually saying that we are equally capable of anything Jesus is said to have done but religious misinterpretation has lead us to, in some cases to create and  follow a judgemental man like image of God then later when I got home I was finding it difficult to concentrate so decided to go on-line to find something to listen to, to relax. First I see a post by Ricky Gervais (‘Derek’ – best bit of TV writing, in my eyes ever)

then I just randomly click on a post in the recommended for you list on You-tube and watch this.

Well after that, there is no mistaking that I Am one big mass of vibrational energy because every molecule of my physical being was vibrating.

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I also finely Attracted my Life Long Dream of having My own business in my 50’s thanks to the Power of the Law of Attraction and I Now help people learn how to turn Their Passions into Online Location Free Businesses so they can Wake Up Doing What They Love and Love What They Do after so Many People Approached me for Advice
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Whatever “You” are doing I wish “You” an Awesomely Attractive Day xoxo

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Posted by on October 26, 2013 in Uncategorized


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